Multilingual Translational System

If you choose an MLM solution out of the gate without multilingual alternatives, it’s akin to neglecting the bulk of your user base. Numerous online resources are available for manual translations, such as… Translations from Bing and Google. However, they are not always accurate. That is why you’ll need a more advanced language system to be implemented in your MLM Software. User experience is the main consideration here; search engine optimization or anything similar is not relevant.

Types of Translation

Here, we can assist with two different translation methods: a server-side translation package that is included with MLM software, or a Google translation plug-in. We advise utilizing the server-side package since it allows us to add or modify language on a per-string basis. Any design can include a language changer. You will receive beautiful designs from our skilled web artisans and designers.

Normally three methods are used for the designing of the translation switch:

  • Inline language icons – This is the common and preferred way if there are only 3 or fewer languages included. This is very user-friendly and the user can get an idea to change language very fast if preferred.
  • Selection box – Languages can be included in the drop-down box with selected language as selected. This is very useful if there are many languages available.
  • Dropdown with languages – A toggle button will be displayed with the language switcher icon. When clicking on the icon a drop-down block will appear and the user can select any language that appears in the block. For the translation interface, we have set up a panel where the superuser can fetch and update all string that wrapped with language function, we provide this panel not for everyone but only if there are more than 6 languages offered with a project.