Advanced reporting system

Advanced Reporting system gives the facts you require at your fingertips. Choose the right report fast with templates packaged for production, large scale, builder, and distribution.

DSSI MLM’s Advanced reporting system with filtering options shows you a complete report of total Summary, top Billing Country recent Orders, State, coupons, top Product Sellers, top Payment Gateway, Shipping, Order Status, and Tax. The policy reports can be developed on demand.

The DSSI MLM software has combined template reports auto-filled with your company data to offer you all that a fresh manual entry. It also decreases the possibility of mistakes that manual input can cause. Through our advanced reporting system, you can specify your own reporting requirements, runoff today’s business or business over certain periods. Customizable parameters include numbers of completions or offers, processed by region, broke or group etc..

Features of advanced Reporting system

  • Some features of DSSI MLM’s advanced reporting systems are given below
  • Presents total summary, orders settled today, and the total income.
  • Presents leading products and leading types.
  • Presents the list of preeminent clients.
  • Using our most powerful reporting tool, you can find the reporting answers with our powerful help portal.
  • Quickly find the right report